We do Insert, Update, Delete, Modify data requests so let's see what code we need to return from API.
Suppose we found operation success in CRUD operations then we return
1. 200 OK
Used for fetching or reading data from api
Example ( GET /GetData
[HttpGet(Name = "Read")] public async Task<IActionResult> GetData() { return Ok("Read is susscufull"); }
2. 201 Created
Suppose we requested to Insert data to API and request is successful then we should return 201 status from api.
/// <summary> /// Returns 201 Created /// </summary> [HttpPost("created")] public IActionResult InsertItem([FromBody] string value) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) { return BadRequest(new { error = "Value cannot be empty." }); } int id = _items.Count + 1; _items.Add(id, value); return CreatedAtAction(nameof(GetItem), new { id }, new { id, value }); }
3. 202 Accepted
The HTTP 202 Accepted successful response status code indicates that a request has been accepted for processing, but processing has not been completed or may not have started.
Suppose user submitted one request for data for report generation we can use this status code and informed user like requested accepted but we will process later.
/// <summary> /// Returns 202 Accepted /// </summary> [HttpPost("accepted")] public IActionResult ProcessAsyncTask() { return Accepted(new { message = "Request accepted and being processed." }); }
4. 204 No Content
The request was successful, but there’s no data to return.
Example when we delete something and in that case we do not have anything to return then we can use.
/// <summary> /// Returns 204 No Content /// </summary> [HttpDelete("nocontent/{id}")] public IActionResult DeleteItem(int id) { if (_items.Remove(id)) { return NoContent(); } return NotFound(new { error = "Item not found." }); }
These indicate that the request was invalid or cannot be fulfilled by the server.
1. 401 Unauthorized
We can use this status when user going to Login and he does not have permission to access then we can send back with unauthorize status code.
[HttpGet("Login")] public IActionResult Login(string userid, string password) { if(userid!="devesh1234" && password!="test9090") return Unauthorized(new { error = "Authorization required." }); else { // add logic to navigate to enter in application } }
2. 404 Not Found
The requested resource was not found.
Suppose user requested for particular data and its not found in database then we can return back with this status code.
[HttpGet("notfound/{id}")] public IActionResult GetItem(int id) { if (!_items.TryGetValue(id, out var value)) { return NotFound(new { error = "Item not found." }); } return Ok(new { id, value }); }
3. 400 Bad Request
we can return with bad request if user sent some payload and if it is not good or incorrect values it have then we can respond back with BAD request
[HttpGet("badrequest")] public IActionResult GetBadRequest(string input) { if(!input.Contains("Type")) return BadRequest(new { error = "Invalid request." }); else // add logic }
4. 429 Too Many Requests
We can use this code in case of protecting api with too many request sent with in period.
Example : In irctc railway tickets , we are not allowed more than 1 ticket in tatkal period
/// <summary> /// Returns 429 Too Many Requests /// </summary> [HttpGet("toomanyrequests")] public IActionResult GetTooManyRequests() { return StatusCode(429, new { error = "Too many requests. Please try again later." }); }
5. 403 Forbidden
The 403 Forbidden status code means the server understood the request, but refuses to authorize it. Unlike 401 Unauthorized, where authentication is missing or invalid, 403 Forbidden occurs when the user is authenticated but lacks necessary permissions.
[Authorize] [HttpGet("admin-data")] public IActionResult GetAdminData() { var userRole = User.FindFirst("role")?.Value; if (userRole != "Admin") { return Forbid(); // 403 Forbidden } return Ok(new { data = "Admin-only data" }); }
6. 413 Payload Too Large
413 Payload Too Large occurs when a client sends a request body that exceeds the server's configured size limit. This typically happens when
1. File Upload Limits : The server only allows files up to 5MB, but the user uploads a 50MB file.
2. Large JSON Payloads: A bulk insert operation tries to send 10,000 records in one request.
We need to configure file size at startup.cs
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args); // Configure max request body size (e.g., 5MB) builder.Services.Configure<IISServerOptions>(options => { options.MaxRequestBodySize = 5 * 1024 * 1024; // 5MB }); builder.Services.Configure<KestrelServerOptions>(options => { options.Limits.MaxRequestBodySize = 5 * 1024 * 1024; // 5MB }); var app = builder.Build(); app.UseRouting(); app.MapControllers(); app.Run();
Now If a client tries to upload a file larger than 5MB, the server will return:
HTTP/1.1 413 Payload Too Large
[HttpGet("server-error")] public IActionResult GetServerError() { int x = 0; int result = 10 / x; // Division by zero return Ok(result); }
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
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