More than 100 Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcuts
1. What is Excel?
• Microsoft Excel is a powerful spreadsheet software used for data organization, analysis, and calculation.
• It is extensively used in business, education, finance, and other domains and is a component of the Microsoft Office Suite.
2. Key Features:
• Cells: Each intersection of the rows and columns that make up Excel's grid is a cell. Data (text, numbers, and formulas) may be present in every cell.
• Formulas: Excel has many built-in formulas for computations, including SUM, AVERAGE, VLOOKUP, IF, and others.
• Functions: It has hundreds of functions, including text, date, statistical, financial, and logical ones.
• Charts & Graphs: Bar charts, pie charts, line graphs, and other visual representations of data can be created with Excel.
• Pivot Tables: These effective tools for rapidly assessing and summarizing data are pivot tables.
3. Basic Terminology:
• Workbook: An Excel file containing one or more worksheets.
• Worksheet: A single sheet with numbered rows and lettered columns inside a workbook.
• Range: A grouping of cells, such as A1:B10.
• Cell Reference: A particular spot on the sheet, like A1, that denotes the first row and column.
4. Common Tasks:
• Data Entry: Users can input text, numbers, or formulas into cells.
• Sorting & Filtering: Information can be arranged either descendingly or ascendingly, and filters can be used to highlight particular information.
• Formatting: Excel allows users to format text, numbers, and cells (e.g., font styles, colors, borders).
• Conditional Formatting: Highlights cells that meet certain criteria (e.g., values above a certain number).
5. Advanced Functionalities:
• Macros: Automation of repetitive tasks using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications).
• Data Validation: Verifies that the information entered into cells satisfies predetermined standards.
• What-If Analysis: Programs such as Goal Seek and Scenario Manager are used to examine possible results depending on various inputs.
6. Shortcuts:
The following are some shortcuts:
• Ctrl + C: Copy
• Ctrl + V: Paste
• Ctrl + Z: Undo
• Ctrl + F: Find
• Ctrl + Shift + L: Toggle Filter
7. Uses of Excel:
• Data Management: Organizing and maintaining large data sets.
• Financial Analysis: Budgeting, accounting, financial modeling, etc.
• Data Visualization: Presenting data clearly using charts and graphs.
• Project Management: Tracking timelines, resources, and project tasks.
8. File Extensions:
• .xlsx: Standard file format for Excel workbooks.
• .xls: Older Excel file format (prior to 2007).
Excel is a versatile tool that supports everything from simple data entry to complex statistical analysis.
What Is Keyboard Shortcut?
A keyboard shortcut is a combination of keys that are pressed together to perform a specific action or command. In Excel, keyboard shortcuts are commonly used to enhance productivity, as they allow users to execute tasks quickly without repeatedly reaching for the mouse. This efficiency helps save valuable time, turning seconds into minutes and even hours over the course of repeated use.
Function Keys in Excel
The F1–F12 keys are special function keys that enable quick actions such as help, editing, or navigation within Excel.
Key | Function |
F1 | Opens the Excel Help window. |
F2 | Enters edit mode for the selected cell. |
F3 | Opens the "Paste Name" dialog box if a defined name exists. |
F4 | Repeats the last action. When writing a formula, it switches between relative, absolute, and mixed cell references. |
F5 | Displays the "Go To" dialog box, allowing quick navigation to a specific cell or range. |
F6 | Moves between the different panels or panes in a split workbook view. |
F7 | Opens the "Spelling" dialog box to check the spelling in the worksheet. |
F8 | Activates "Expand Selection" mode, letting you extend the selection using the arrow keys. |
F9 | Calculates the result of all formulas across all open workbooks. |
F10 | Activates the menu bar (shows key tips for ribbon commands). |
F11 | Creates a new chart sheet based on the selected cell range. |
F12 | Opens the "Save As" dialog box to save the workbook with a new name or location. |
These function keys in Excel can make your work a lot easier and help you execute tasks faster within Excel.
Single Key Shortcuts in Excel:
Single key shortcuts let you do certain actions or jobs with just one keystroke. This makes it easier to move around in your Excel workbook and manage it.
Key | Function |
Alt | Activates the menu bar and shows keyboard shortcuts for ribbon commands. |
Page Down | Scrolls down one screen within the sheet. |
Page Up | Scrolls up one screen within the sheet. |
Enter | Completes a cell entry and moves the selection to the cell below. |
Esc | Cancels the entry of a cell and closes any open dialog box. |
Space | Toggles or disables a check box within a dialog box. |
End | Moves the selection to the last cell in the current range, allowing navigation with arrow keys. |
Home | Moves to the beginning of the current row. |
Tab | Completes a cell entry and moves the selection to the next cell to the right. |
Backspace | Deletes the contents of a cell and enters Edit Mode. |
Delete | Deletes the content of a selected cell. |
Direction keys | Moves the selection to the adjacent cell in the direction of the arrow key (up, down, left, or right). |
These single keystrokes help streamline various tasks, improving efficiency while working with Excel spreadsheets.
Basic Keyboard Shortcuts in Excel:
Common keyboard shortcuts (such as Ctrl+C or Ctrl+V) simplify routine tasks like copying, pasting, and undoing actions.
Key | Function |
Ctrl+A | Selects all cells in the worksheet. |
Ctrl+B | Applies bold formatting to the selected text. |
Ctrl+C | Copies the selected cells. |
Ctrl+D | Copies the contents and format of the topmost cell in a selected range to the cells below. |
Ctrl+E | Activates Flash Fill to detect patterns in adjacent columns and fill the current column accordingly. |
Ctrl+G | Opens the "Go To" dialog box to jump to a specific reference cell. |
Ctrl+I | Applies italic formatting to the selected cell or cells. |
Ctrl+J | Removes line breaks within a cell. |
Ctrl+K | Opens the "Insert Hyperlink" dialog box. |
Ctrl+L | Opens the "Create Table" dialog box. |
Ctrl+O | Opens an existing workbook. |
Ctrl+N | Opens a new workbook. |
Ctrl+P | Displays the "Print" dialog box. |
Ctrl+R | Fills the selected cell or cells to the right with the contents of the active cell. |
Ctrl+S | Saves the current workbook. |
Ctrl+T | Opens the "Create Table" dialog box. |
Ctrl+U | Underlines the selected text. |
Ctrl+V | Pastes the contents from the clipboard into the selected cell or cells. |
Ctrl+X | Cuts the selected cells. |
Ctrl+Y | Redoes the last action that was undone. |
Ctrl+Z | Undoes the most recent action. |
Ctrl+1 | Opens the "Format Cells" dialog box. |
Ctrl+2 | Applies bold formatting to the selected text. |
Ctrl+3 | Applies italic formatting to the selected text. |
Ctrl+4 | Underlines the selected text. |
Ctrl+5 | Applies a strikethrough effect to the selected text. |
Ctrl+6 | Toggles the visibility of objects on the sheet. |
Ctrl+8 | Displays or hides the outline symbols. |
Ctrl+9 | Hides the selected row. |
Ctrl+0 | Hides the selected column. |
Keyboard Shortcuts with Ctrl and Function Keys:
The combination of Ctrl and function keys (e.g., Ctrl+F4) is used for advanced operations like closing workbooks or managing window settings in Excel.
Key | Function |
Ctrl+F1 | Toggles the visibility of the ribbon. |
Ctrl+F2 | Displays the print preview area on the Print tab. |
Ctrl+F3 | Opens the "Name Manager" dialog box for managing defined names. |
Ctrl+F4 | Closes the active workbook. |
Ctrl+F5 | Restores the selected workbook window to its previous size. |
Ctrl+F6 | Switches to the next open workbook window. |
Ctrl+F7 | Enables moving the workbook window if it is not maximized. |
Ctrl+F8 | Allows resizing of the workbook window if it is not maximized. |
Ctrl+F9 | Minimizes the current workbook window to an icon. |
Ctrl+F10 | Maximizes the current workbook window if it was minimized. |
Ctrl+F11 | Inserts a new macro sheet into the workbook. |
Ctrl+F12 | Opens the "Open" dialog box to browse for an existing workbook. |
These shortcuts offer enhanced control over workbook management and window handling within Excel.
Keyboard Shortcuts with Shift and Function Keys:
Using Shift in combination with function keys (e.g., Shift+F3) provides quick access to features like inserting functions or extending cell selections.
Key | Function |
Shift+F2 | Inserts a note or opens the selected cell's existing note for editing. |
Shift+F3 | Opens the "Insert Function" dialog box. When editing a formula, it shows the "Function Arguments" dialog box. |
Shift+F4 | Executes the "Find Next" command based on previously specified search terms. |
Shift+F5 | Displays the "Find" dialog box for searching within the sheet. |
Shift+F6 | Switches the focus between the sheet, ribbon, status bar, and task pane (if available). |
Shift+F7 | Opens the "Reference" task pane for additional resources and information. |
Shift+F8 | Allows you to add another range of cells to the current selection. |
Shift+F9 | Calculates formulas on the active sheet. |
Shift+F10 | Displays the right-click context menu for the selected item. |
Shift+F11 | Inserts a new worksheet into the current workbook. |
Shift+F12 | Opens the "Save As" dialog box to save the workbook under a new name or location. |
These shortcuts enhance your ability to navigate and manipulate data effectively, streamlining many tasks in Excel.
Keyboard Shortcuts with Alt and Function Keys:
The combination of Alt and function keys (e.g., Alt+F8) is used for quickly accessing macros, menus, or specific settings within Excel.
Key | Function |
Alt+F1 | Inserts a chart based on the current data in the active worksheet. |
Alt+F2 | Opens the "Save As" dialog box to save the workbook under a new name or location. |
Alt+F4 | Closes the Excel application. |
Alt+F8 | Opens the "Macro" dialog box, allowing you to run or manage macros. |
Alt+F10 | Displays the "Selection and Visibility" panel for managing shapes and objects in the worksheet. |
Alt+F11 | Opens the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) editor to write or edit macros. |
These shortcuts help manage tasks such as inserting charts, saving workbooks, and interacting with macros and the VBA editor, all of which are key for advanced Excel usage.
Keyboard Shortcut Keys for Pivot Table:
Here are some essential shortcut keys specifically for working with Pivot Tables in Excel:
Key | Function |
Alt + N + V | Creates a new Pivot Table. |
Ctrl + A | Selects the entire Pivot Table. |
Alt + Shift + Right arrow | Groups the Pivot Table items. |
Alt + Shift + Left arrow | Ungroups the selected Pivot Table items. |
Ctrl + – | Hides (filters out) the selected Pivot Table item. |
Alt + H + S + C | Unhides (clears filter on) the selected Pivot Table item. |
Alt + N + S + Z + C | Inserts a Pivot Chart based on the selected Pivot Table. |
These shortcuts are designed to enhance efficiency when working with Pivot Tables, making it faster to create, group, filter, and chart data.
Keyboard Shortcuts to Select Data:
Here are useful keyboard shortcuts to quickly highlight and select data in Excel for editing or analysis:
Key | Function |
Ctrl+* | Selects the current region of cells containing data. |
Ctrl+Space | Selects the entire current column. |
Shift+PageDown | Extends the selection down by one screen. |
Shift+PageUp | Extends the selection up by one screen. |
Shift+Home | Extends the selection to the beginning of the current row. |
Shift+Space | Selects the entire current row. |
Shift+Direction key | Extends the selection by one cell in the direction of the arrow key pressed. |
These shortcuts allow for efficient data selection, making it easier to perform edits, analyses, or formatting on multiple cells or ranges.
Other MS Excel Shortcut Keys:
Here are some additional Excel shortcuts for tasks like opening files, saving work, or performing specific actions like deleting and inserting cells.
Key | Function |
Ctrl+* | Selects the current region of cells containing data. |
Ctrl+Space | Selects the entire current column. |
Shift+PageDown | Extends the selection down by one screen. |
Shift+PageUp | Extends the selection up by one screen. |
Shift+Home | Extends the selection to the beginning of the current row. |
Shift+Space | Selects the entire current row. |
Shift+Direction key | Extends the selection by one cell in the direction of the arrow key pressed. |
Final Thoughts on Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys:
One of the best ways to increase productivity and efficiency when working with spreadsheets is to become proficient with Microsoft Excel shortcut keys. From simple actions like copying and pasting to more complex ones like managing pivot tables, formatting data, and traversing big workbooks, these shortcuts make chores much easier. Shortcut keys save time and effort by minimizing the need for the mouse, enabling users to do activities more quickly and smoothly. Learning and using these shortcuts into your workflow will greatly enhance your Excel proficiency and overall productivity, regardless of your level of experience.
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