In this Post we will learn about  Aggregate functions  and will see how we can answer below questions

1. Total Salary by Department

2. Number of Employees in Each Department:

3. Average Salary in Each Department

4. Maximum and Minimum Salary in Each Department:

5. Total Sales Amount, Average Sale Amount, and Number of Sales per Employee:

6. Total Sales Amount per Year:

7. Highest and Lowest Sale Amount per Year

All these queries required to use below Aggregate functions.

  • SUM() - returns the total sum of a numerical column
  • COUNT() - returns the number of rows in a set
  • AVG() - returns the average value of a numerical column
  • MIN() - returns the smallest value within the selected column
  • MAX() - returns the largest value within the selected column

Let's Start with Table Creation

a. Create Below Tables Employees, Departments ,Sales

-- Step 1: Create the necessary tables CREATE TABLE Employees ( EmployeeID INT PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR(100), DepartmentID INT, Salary DECIMAL(10, 2), HireDate DATE ); CREATE TABLE Departments ( DepartmentID INT PRIMARY KEY, DepartmentName VARCHAR(100) ); CREATE TABLE Sales ( SaleID INT PRIMARY KEY, EmployeeID INT, SaleDate DATE, SaleAmount DECIMAL(10, 2), FOREIGN KEY (EmployeeID) REFERENCES Employees(EmployeeID) );

Insert Data into tables

-- Step 2: Insert sample data into the tables INSERT INTO Departments (DepartmentID, DepartmentName) VALUES (1, 'HR'), (2, 'IT'), (3, 'Medical'), (4, 'Tranport'); INSERT INTO Employees (EmployeeID, Name, DepartmentID, Salary, HireDate) VALUES (1, 'Devesh omar', 1, 510000.00, '2021-01-15'), (2, 'Himanshu', 2, 640000.00, '2011-03-22'), (3, 'Nikhil', 3, 55000.00, '2021-05-10'), (4, 'Deepu', 2, 740000.00, '2011-07-19'), (5, 'Hari', 3, 85000.00, '2019-09-25'), (6, 'Jai', 4, 815000.00, '2014-09-15'); INSERT INTO Sales (SaleID, EmployeeID, SaleDate, SaleAmount) VALUES (1, 3, '2023-01-15', 1000.00), (2, 3, '2023-03-22', 800.00), (3, 3, '2023-05-10', 1500.00), (4, 5, '2023-07-19', 3000.00), (5, 5, '2023-09-25', 2000.00), (6, 6, '2023-11-30', 2500.00), (7, 3, '2024-01-10', 1100.00), (8, 3, '2024-02-15', 850.00), (9, 5, '2024-04-20', 1600.00), (10, 5, '2024-06-25', 3200.00);

Emp Table

Department Table

Sales Table

Query 1 : Calculate total salary provided to employees by department

  • This query used for business purpose when company want to know cost or salary distribution by each department
  • This query calculates the total salary for each department.
  • It uses the SUM aggregate function.

SELECT d.DepartmentName, SUM(e.Salary) AS TotalSalary FROM Employees e JOIN Departments d ON e.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID GROUP BY d.DepartmentName ORDER BY d.DepartmentName;


Query 2: Count the number of employees in each department

  • This query counts the number of employees in each department.
  • It uses the COUNT aggregate function.

-- Query 2: Count the number of employees in each department SELECT d.DepartmentName, COUNT(e.EmployeeID) AS NumberOfEmployees FROM Employees e JOIN Departments d ON e.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID GROUP BY d.DepartmentName ORDER BY d.DepartmentName;


Query 3: Calculate the average salary in each department

  • This query used for business purpose when company want to know Average cost or salary distribution by each department
  • This query calculates the average salary for each department.
  • It uses the AVG aggregate function.


Query 4: Find the maximum and minimum salary in each department

  • This query used for business purpose when company want to know Max /Min Salary provided to employees by each department
  • It uses the MAX and MIN aggregate functions.

SELECT d.DepartmentName, MAX(e.Salary) AS MaxSalary, MIN(e.Salary) AS MinSalary FROM Employees e JOIN Departments d ON e.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID GROUP BY d.DepartmentName ORDER BY d.DepartmentName;Result


Query 5: Calculate total sales amount, average sale amount, and the number of sales done by per employee

  • This query calculates the total sales amount, average sale amount, and the number of sales for each employee.
  • It uses the SUM, AVG, and COUNT aggregate functions.

SELECT e.Name AS EmployeeName, SUM(s.SaleAmount) AS TotalSales, AVG(s.SaleAmount) AS AverageSaleAmount, COUNT(s.SaleID) AS NumberOfSales FROM Sales s JOIN Employees e ON s.EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID GROUP BY e.Name ORDER BY e.Name;


Query 6: Calculate total sales amount per year

  • This query calculates the total sales amount for each year.
  • It uses the SUM aggregate function.

SELECT YEAR(SaleDate) AS SaleYear, SUM(SaleAmount) AS TotalSales FROM Sales GROUP BY YEAR(SaleDate) ORDER BY SaleYear;

Query 7: Calculate the highest and lowest sale amount per year

  • This query finds the highest and lowest sale amounts for each year.
  • It uses the MAX and MIN aggregate functions.

SELECT YEAR(SaleDate) AS SaleYear, MAX(SaleAmount) AS MaxSaleAmount, MIN(SaleAmount) AS MinSaleAmount FROM Sales GROUP BY YEAR(SaleDate) ORDER BY SaleYear;



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