In this article we will go with all important operations of generic list.
1. Initializing Lists
You can initialize a list with predefined values using collection initializer syntax.
//Old way List<Employee> list = new List<Employee>(); list.Add(new Employee(1, "Devesh omar", "Developer")); list.Add(new Employee(2, "Ram kumar", "Manager")); list.Add(new Employee(4, "Pintu Sachin", "Intern")) list.Add(new Employee(5, "Sachin Raj", "Analyst")) // new way var employees = new List<Employee> { new Employee(1, "Devesh omar", "Developer"), new Employee(2, "Ram kumar", "Manager"), new Employee(3, "S Kumar", "Designer"), new Employee(4, "Pintu Sachin", "Intern"), new Employee(5, "Sachin Raj", "Analyst") };
2. Finding Items
You can use LINQ methods to find items in a list. we are going to search based on id =1
var employee = employees.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == 1); if (employee != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Found: {employee.Name}"); }
3. Checking for Existence
Use Any to check if any item in the list matches a condition.
bool exists = employees.Any(e => e.Id == 1); Console.WriteLine($"Employee exists: {exists}");
4. Removing Items by Condition
You can remove items that match a certain condition using RemoveAll.
employees.RemoveAll(e => e.Position == "Manager");
We can see Manager record deleted.
5. Sorting Lists
Use the Sort method to sort a list based on a property. We have sorted based on name
employees.Sort((x, y) => x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name));
6. Efficiently Cloning a List
clone a list using the ToList method.
var clonedList = employees.ToList();
7. Using LINQ for Complex Queries
we are have written linq to search data and order data.
var developers = employees.Where(e => e.Position == "Developer") .OrderBy(e => e.Name) .ToList(); developers.ForEach(e => Console.WriteLine(e.Name));
8. Grouping Items
Group items based on a property using GroupBy.
var groupedByPosition = employees.GroupBy(e => e.Position); foreach (var group in groupedByPosition) { Console.WriteLine($"Position: {group.Key}"); foreach (var employee in group) { Console.WriteLine($" {employee.Name}"); } }
9. Converting a List to Another Collection Type
Convert a list to an array or other collection types.
Employee[] employeeArray = employees.ToArray(); Dictionary<int, Employee> employeeDictionary = employees.ToDictionary(e => e.Id);
10.Using ForEach
You can use the ForEach method to perform an action on each item in the list.
employees.ForEach(e => Console.WriteLine(e.Name));
11 .Adding a Range of Items
Add multiple items to a list at once using AddRange.
var employees = new List<Employee> { new Employee(1, "Devesh omar", "Developer"), new Employee(2, "Ram kumar", "Manager"), new Employee(3, "S Kumar", "Designer") }; // adding var newEmployees = new List<Employee> { new Employee(4, "Pintu Sachin", "Intern"), new Employee(5, "Sachin Raj", "Analyst") }; employees.AddRange(newEmployees);
In this article we have learnt all major function and operation of generic list.
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